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tv   Around the World  CNN  March 29, 2013 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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to have these children succeed. when you do this, you get great rewards, better than money. of the 4,000 kids who have been through tawanda's program, about 80%, 80, have gone on to college. you can learn more about her work. you can also nominate somebody who is doing his or her part to make the world bitter for us. go to you can do that or wait. around the world is coming up right now. well come to around the world. eye suzanne malveaux. >> i'm michael holmes. we would like to welcome our viewers here in the united states and around the world. we begin with north korea where dictator, kim jong un, delivering a new ominous warning to the united states.
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kim said, it is time to, quote, settle accounts with the u.s. impeei imperials. >> he ordered rockets to be put on stand by and revealed what target he has in mind. we have that coming up in rome, pope francis will preside over his first good friday service, being held at st. peter's basilica. during his short time as pope, he has set a different tone than his predecessors. those are live pictures we are looking at coming from the vatican yesterday. he broke holy thursday tradition by washing the feet of a dozen prisoners, including one woman, who happened to be muslim. >> in pakistan, the taliban are claiming responsibility for a deadly suicide bombing near the u.s. consulate today. the attack killed 31 and wounded several others. a suicide bomber on a motorcycle drove up to a security
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checkpoint and set off 22 points of explosives. >> no one from the consulate was hurt in that bombing. we are going to start with a massive rescue operation that is just now wrapping up off the coast of latvia. had more than 200 people stranded on two ice floats. >> it is amazing. these are sheets of ice. they broke off, started drifting away from the coast. rescue crews say that the rough seas made it hard to reach these folks. we are hearing that the operation involves some boats and helicopters as well. chad meyers, filling in on all of this. strangely enough, we have both been to latvia, the nato summit. it is cold and very chilly. >> it has been 10 below or 10 above for the past three weeks. today, it gets to 32. pinds are blowing out of the south. everybody wants to be there. it is 32 degrees. they walk out on the ice and drill big holes to go fishing. how great is it you can catch salt water fish without a boat just by walking out there. the problem is, the wind was
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from the south. they were on a north facing beach. when the wind blew, it broke the ice off and pushed it away. i have a picture of this. this is a high-res satellite picture. you will be able to see a crack between where the ice is and the beach. see that dark line. that's water. that's the water surface that broke away from the coast. they couldn't walk back to the beach or walk back to where they came from. they had to take boats and helicopters. there was still one guy out there, because he wouldn't get on a helicopter. he said, i will wait for a boat. it will blow this piece of ice back. >> is it just sea meets the land and it gets so cold. everything is so simple. when you go there, you can't tell where the beach starts and the ocean stops. it is one sheet of ice.
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we are not talking about southern italy. >> how big is the ice? >> it would be three feet trick. it would be harder to drill through it. they find small cracks where the ice is only about a foot deep. they can drill through that and fish. >> it happens on lake st. clair, lake erie. people think it is going to shift and be okay. the wind shifts and the ice cracks and they have to forget it. >> i am glad they are all well. they got some fish. good to see you. fish for good friday. well, the stock markets, they are closed for good friday. the traders headed out for the long weekend, they did manage to push the s&p higher and set a record. >> for the first time in a while, you can take a look at the retirement fund, yours. it might make you a little bit happy here. zain asher showing us what is actually driving this. >> finally, wall street wins. >> we begin with breaking news on wall street. >> the s&p topping its peak held
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six years ago. the index along with the dow and nasdaq are sprinting, finishing a first quarter we have all been waiting for. >> i want to be very clear here. the u.s. is moving in the right direction. this week, a lot of economists raised their first quarter. the first quarter is looking like it is going to be stronger. >> the dow up 11% since the start of the year. the s&p, up 10%. the nasdaq charging ahead 8%. have you opened up your 401(k) lately? one of the brightest spots in our economy, housing. sales are up, mortgage rates are low and we are buying. >> 2013 should be a very good year for the housing market. we expect the spring to be quite robust. we have historically low mortgage rates with a 30-year fixed being well below 4%. it is a sign things are getting better. people are more confident. buying more, investing more,
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investing in netflix. the internet movie site going gang busters and leading the s&p. if you invested in the company on january 1st, you have doubled your money. the stock is up almost 107%. >> we describe ourselves as an internet television network. we know what our members love to watch. we licensed the content that we know our members are going to love to watch. >> other big movers this year, big box store, best buy. up 87%. hewlett-packard, up 68%. what's next? big bank strategist, david kelly at jpmorgan chase, tells us to enjoy the ride. he expects stocks to return between 6% and 8% a year for the next five years. >> so, zain joins us to tell a little bit more. the stock market is in good shape. as it keeps going up and up, there are still some fundamental problems in the economy. >> that's absolutely right.
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even though things in stocks do appear to be good. unemployment does remain high at 7.7%. that means 12 million americans are still out of work. so it's pretty hard for a lot of people to be excited about this rally when they haven't been able to get a job for months. while the economy is growing, it is doing so ever so slowing. >> are they saying anything about 401(k)s? how is that impacting folks that are looking at the retirement fund. >> people's 401(k)s are suddenly shooting ul. the s&p 500 reached a better high yesterday. people's 401(k)s getting a big boost from that. zain, thanks for that. good news if you have unemployment funds. if you are unemployed, you are waiting for things to turn around. let's go to north korea. tensions continuing to escalate after kim jong-un put his rockets on stand by to fire at
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u.s. targets. he says his country will be ready to launch an attack if provoked. >> he laid out in detail the u.s. targets he would hit first. jim clancy has the details. >> reporter: north korea's young leader with his military men on friday declaring it might be time to go to war with the united states posing next to a map that drew lines to places like hawaii and california. the time has come to settle accounts with the u.s. imperialists. kim jong un was quoted as saying listing u.s. bases in south korea and guam and declaring his military should mercilessly strike the u.s. main land. they have scenes of its 1 million man army, the fourth largest in the world in action. it was theatrical, staged and to some, a little too scary.
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china's foreign ministry suggested now might be a good time for everyone to turn down the temperature. >> maintaining peace and stability of the korean peninsula as well as northeast asia serves the common interest of all relevant parties. it is also a joint responsibility. we hope relevant parties can work together to turn around the tense situation in the region. >> clearly, china considers the u.s. decision to send its nuclear capable b-52 on practice bombing runs as unhelpful. the u.s. insists it is part of annual military exercises. beijing also sent a message to pyongyang that enough was enough. the message had little immediate effect. friday, north korea staged a massive rally in pyongyang whipping up national fervor. tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians marched pledging
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their determination to fight for the regime and defend their national honor. amidst that, kim jong-un's friday declaration had some fine print. all the talk about all-out war with america was conditioned on what they call a reckless provocation on north korea. former u.s. secretary of state, colin powell, was in seoul this week. he pointed out that any north korean attack on south korea, much less the united states would provoke what he termed a regime-ending response. it is also worth noting that regime preservation has always been north korea and the kim dynastic's paramount goal. jim clancy, cnn, seoul. >> just how serious are these threats from north korean leader, kim jong-un. >> we are going to talk to a former u.s. diplomate, christopher hill led the six-party nuclear talks with
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north korea several years ago. he is going to weigh in on the motivation behind that coming up. here is more of what we're working on this hour for around the world. it is something a pope has never done before. washing the feet of a woman. pope francis continuing to break tradition. >> toy guns that look so real they are being used in robberies. this is a growing trend in costa rica. he defended saddam hussein, but this man has no legal qualifications. how a fake lawyer slipped through the system and conned notorious clients out of a lot of money. glucerna hunger smar. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have six grams of sugars. with fifteen grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes.
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...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. some stories making news around the world. former president of south africa, nelson mandela is said to be making steady progress. >> a statement from the presidential office says he is in good spirits and enjoyed a full breakfast this morning. this is the second time this month that the former leader has been admitted to the hospital. >> in japan, authorities have arrested a man accused of putting acid in a woman's shoes
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in an attempt to kill her. it forced the woman to develop gangrene and they had to remove the tip of five of her toes. >> the man is denying they tried to kill her. police believe he had romantic feelings for her. according to japanese media, they both worked at the same company in a lab. >> extraordinary storiry christians around the world are marking good friday when they believe jesus died on the cross before being resurrected. >> many have gathered in jerusalem where they walk the via della rosa toward jesus' burial place. the pilgrimage is known as the way of the cross. >> in the philippines, with two dozen men were nailed on the crosses to reenact jesus's cruise figures, considered an extreme display of devotion. >> in the vatican, the pope presiding over his first good friday service. our own jim bitterman joining us from rome. tell us how it is different this go-around? this is a pope that likes to
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buck tradition. >> reporter: well, in fact, we just saw that service get underway here. it is going to be going for a couple of hours as they relate to the passages from the passion of christ. that will be going on several hours and then the pope is going to go over to the coliseum on the other side of rome. he is going to do the stations of the cross, the 14 stations of the cross. a very symbolic repetition of what christians believe took place 2000 years ago when christ was taken through the streets of jair a jerusalem and crucified and laid into a tomb? we are seeing a pope that dispensed with the formality. when he entered the church this afternoon, there was no praying that was going on, no singing that was going on. it was a very silent processional into st. peter's basilica. a little bit different than what one would have expected.
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this is a very solemn day, good friday. they are not celebrating a mass. it is a service. there will be communion that will be served. in fact, it will be communion wafers that were consecrated yesterday. it is traditional in the catholic church not to have communion and not to have, celebrate a mass on good friday. we will see the pope, this is the reading of the passion going on right now. we will see the pope here assisting doing this. later on at the coliseum, the stations of the cross. yesterday, the pope made news again being unorthodox in a way. the tradition was to wash the feet of the elderly priests. he didn't do that. he went and washed the feet of elderly prisoners, a woman, a muslim. i think this is what we have seen the last ten days or so that the pope has been pope. the fact is, he is making a lot of changes.
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he is simplifying things but the message that keeps coming across in a number of his homilies is to his clergy, in which he is saying get out, get out into the churches and where the people are and minister unto the poor. he told journalists who met with the media right after his election, he said that would suit him better than to see a poor church that ministered unto the poor. one can only think this is going to be a major theme of his papacy this is a damaged piece of art rumored to be sold for $155 million. that is after somebody put their elbow through the famous picasso painting. was cooking dinner for my family. boom. heart attack. the doctor recommends bayer aspirin to keep this from happening to me again. it's working. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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check this out. one of picasso's most celebrated paintings may have sold for the
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most a u.s. collector has ever paid for art, $155 million. >> you have that sitting around. >> absolutely. i'll write you a check. >> alley nacho said this is the same picasso that the casino king, steve win, sdntly put his elbow through. this is the tale of an art sale between two giants. there is still some mystery surrounding it, it is widely believed casino king, steve w , wynne, has sold one of picasso's most famous painting to to steve smith, a painting of picasso's long-time miss stret, marie therese walters. >> it is an extremely famous picasso from 1932. it is a picture of possession, of passion, of love.
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>> reporter: the dream is not without its flaws. wynne, originally agreed to sell cohen the picture back in 2006, a day after the deal was done, wynne famously put his elbow through it creating a six-inch tear. >> i turned to the right and caught her right on the arm and poked a hole in the picture the size of the end of my thumb. we stood there in shock. i can't believe i've done it. oh, no! oh, no! >> reporter: the restoration took months. cohen wanted it anyway and ultimately paid $16 million for it post tear. >> we stood there looking for it. it is so infinite tess mal. it was so well-restored. >> people are fixated on the fact it was restored. >> it was very cinematic to
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think of someone putting an elbow through the painting. >> if i was that age, i would have some things wrong with me too. >> it is not just price and the tear. the timing of the sale is getting so much attention just as cohen's hedge fund, sac capitol settles two lawsuits paying the federal government, $616 million. he settles wrongdoing and buys himself an extravagant. >> why would anyone pay upwards of $155 million for a single piece of art, even one so famously damaged? art experts say the best of the best will appreciate the most. one likened it to buying a penthouse versus a second floor apartment. the house on top will always go for more. a masterpiece is a masterpiece. larev will always hold its place in history and have its own
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place in cohen's $1 billion art collection until he decides to sell it for what cob another record price. alina cho, cnn, new york. >> you think he will take better care of that one or put the other elbow into that one. >> i'm glad he did it and not one of his workers. it could have been ugly. in the u.s., thousands of people calling out victoria's secret's lingerie stores. they are upset about a new line for twooens called bright young things. >> it is way too mature for that group. tell us what you think. >> tweet me at suzannemalveaux. we will talk about one who is very concerned, one of the parents. a new picture of north korea's leader surrounded by that. the unpredictability of kim jong-un coming up. the heartbu. hold on, prilosec isn't for fast relief.
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cue up alka-seltzer. it stops heartburn fast. ♪ oh what a relief it is! something this delicious could only come from nature. discover nectresse™. the 100%-natural no-calorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. nectresse™. sweetness naturally. a regular guy with an irregular heartbeat. the usual, bob? not today.
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[ male announcer ] bob has afib: atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem, a condition that puts him at greater risk for a stroke. [ gps ] turn left. i don't think so. [ male announcer ] for years, bob took warfarin, and made a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but not anymore. bob's doctor recommended a different option: once-a-day xarelto®. xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem, that doesn't require routine blood monitoring. like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce the risk of an afib-related stroke. there is limited data on how these drugs compare when warfarin is well managed. no routine blood monitoring means bob can spend his extra time however he likes. new zealand! xarelto® is just one pill a day, taken with the evening meal. and with no dietary restrictions, bob can eat the healthy foods he likes. do not stop taking xarelto® rivaroxaban without talking to the doctor who prescribes it for you.
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stopping may increase your risk of having a stroke. get medical help right away if you develop any signs or symptoms of bleeding, like unusual bruising or tingling. you may have a higher risk of bleeding if you take xarelto® with aspirin products, nsaids or blood thinners. talk to your doctor before taking xarelto® if you currently have abnormal bleeding. xarelto® can cause bleeding, which can be serious, and rarely may lead to death. you are likely to bruise more easily on xarelto®, and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. tell your doctors you are taking xarelto® before any planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. ready to change your routine? ask your doctor about once-a-day xarelto®. for more information including cost support options, call 1-888-xarelto or visit
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welcome back to our viewers around the world and here in the united states. to tanzania, rescuers are searching for dozens of missing people after a 16-story building collapsed killing at least four people, five children are among the missing. the building was under construction when it collapsed. >> look at the damage there. witnesses thought there was an earthquake and then they heard the screaming. they described seeing the entire building falling in on itself. now, the insulting shoe throwing incident. a bystander throwing a shoe at the former president. not clear whether it actually hit. >> it is considered quite an insult. musharraf was headed into court for a bail hearing. they granted a 15-day extension to prevent his arrest in at least three different pending court cases. he is accused of illegally
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deposing dozens of judges and not doing enough to protect a former prime minister from assassination how would you like to be left with 25% of your salary after the tax man has had his way. well, in france the president wanted to tax those making more than 1 million you'euros 75%. they rejected that. he wants to impose a 75% tax on the companies that pay those big earners. parliament has to vote on that proposal as well. >> rockets aimed at u.s. targets have been ordered to be put on stand by to respond to any provocation but the united
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states. any strike they said would be merciless. >> much of this being viewed as a direct response to what has been taking place. joint military exercises with the u.s. staging with south korea. joining us from denver, christopher hill, a former u.s. ambassador also headed up the delegation with the six-party nuclear talks with north korea from 2005 to 2009. when we get to the six-party talks. in your experience, do you think this is any more dangerous than what we have seen previously? >> first of all, this bluster has been at a higher decibel and prolonged. it is not something we should be ignoring. that said, i'm not so sure that a sort of threatened missile war
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with us is all that real. the real concern, i think, is whether they will eventually do something with south korea. there i-think think it is extr important that the u.s. make clear to the north koreans and make sure to the south koreans an attack on south korea would be an attack on the united states and we would be very much involved in the defense of south korea. >> his father and grandfather used similar rhetoric. this is his first go-around. he is just 30. you think the youth is showing a bit. you look at how star struck he was with dennis rodman and the like. what is your sense if he is the guy that is pulling the strings here? >> he is not ready to be a prime time player. i don't think he has a clue about most of the things he does. he has a regent that has helped him through things. the real story of north korea is what they say it is, military first. the military basically runs the
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country i think he is a bit of a figurehead. they are trying to market him to a skeptical north korean public. this is a society that respects older people, not 30 somethings. in trying to market him, they are trying to portray him as a tough wartime leader. >> you dealt with his father for many years, the six-party talks. is there any sense in trying to reach out to him, to the son here, and say, you know, we would like to talk again. we would like to settle some sort of compromise. would the u.s. benefit from something like that? >> i don't think so. i think the north koreans certainly know how to get to us. we do have channels that are established. i don't think reaching out to kim jong-un even with the likes of dennis rodman is going to get us very far. the issue is not kim juong un. the issue is the system. he has a military that is part and parcel of this.
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presumably, his gee gent regent involved in it as well. i don't think that would do anything other than propaganda. >> you can't imagine him starting something that he won't be able to finish, really. what is your sense on what it is that he wants? >> the only thing that really makes sense in starting something that you clearly cannot finish. by the way, if he started something, he would be finished. the u.s. and south koreans are not planning to go through this kind of thing again. he would really be quite finished. so the issue is really, is this propaganda blitz for us or more for the north korean people. i think it is much more for the north korean people. this is something they are used to and would accept that and go
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on with their regular work. what? how could this happen? what is he going to do next if he can't finish this. i think in a north korean context, it is different. i think we have to understand that a lot of this has to do with the kind of domestic political kabuki play that is going on. >> chris, wish we had some more time. there are some others that say that you should reach out, believe it or not, to dennis rodman to pick his brain. the intelligence of kim jong-un, we know so little about him. this is one american who spent a lot of time with this guy. what does he want? what is he like? reading the tea leaves if you will. >> i would like to be there for that conversation. >> it would be fascinating. if i could make one other point, though. there has been talk about how the use of u.s. aircraft is a provocation. i think people need to understand, when you have a real exercise to make sure your planning works, you need all elements of the plan on board.
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that's air power as well. >> good to see you, ambassador, christopher hill. appreciate it. these actually look real. they are pretty scary. this is in costa rica. robbers who are using toy guns. ♪ constipated? yeah. mm. some laxatives like dulcolax can cause cramps. but phillips' caplets don't. they have magnesium. for effective relief of occasional constipation. thanks. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. [ dog ] we found it together.upbeat ] on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk.
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yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle.
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an increasing number of criminals are committing robberies using toy guns. >> they are not your typical plastic do i guns. they look frighteningly real. hundreds being confiscated. rafael romo has the story. >> reporter: they are made of metal like real guns. they look like real guns and they can be just as scary when pointed at you. it is a puzzling new trend in costa rica.
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>> we have noticed that il k criminals have been robbing people with these kind of weapons. they use toy guns to incriminate their victims. >> they have confiscated ak-47 rifles. officials say toy guns are used in about 30% of all armed robberies in costa rica. >> it's a statistic that shows us what we are dealing with. although, from a practical point of view, it doesn't tell us anything. you can't risk your life wondering whether the weapon you are being robbed with is real or not. costa rica is not the only country where toy guns are become automatic. police in michigan say the older boys were using pellet guns that look just like a rifle that shoots actual bullets. in connecticut, they are working on a bill that would make it
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illegal to remove the bright red plug in the barrel of a toy gun to make it more realistic. >> we see something standing like this pointing a gun or standing like this pointing a gun. this is a real handgun. this is a toy. there is not a big difference. >> after the massacre in newtown, connecticut, a woman gave her children money to throw out their toy guns which included replicas of assault rifles. >> they brought them out. i said, guys, i will give you $5 each for each of them. my little guy was totally all over it. he was saving for an ipod. >> from a victim's perspective, it doesn't make any difference if the gun is real or not. in a real, live scenario, she says, the scare is going to be
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just same. raphael, we were talking about all the stories in the break. 1 million questions for you. why are they making this realistic toy guns? is there a real market for this? who is seeking this out? >> there is a lot of demand. a lot of people who instead of having the real thing would like a pellet gun that looks the same. it can scare people away. people, when they get robbed, have really no time of finding out whether the gun is real or not. in a situation like that, nobody is really going to ask whether the gun is real or not. >> right. >> how did they find out about this? was there something that happened that triggered the knowledge. >> the police in costa rica started targeting areas where they had a larger than usual number of robberies. the surprising thing was that
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some of the suspects had toy guns for them. authorities started wondering whether this was an anomaly or not. over the months, it was more and more and more. they still get in trouble. a robbery is still something they are going to spend time in jail with if convicted. >> good to see you. under the cover of night, parts of the historic berlin wall that were standing were actually removed. we are going to tell you why up ahead. diabetes. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have six grams of sugars. with fifteen grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart.
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a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. a regular guy with an irregular heartbeat. the usual, bob? not today. [ male announcer ] bob has afib: atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem, a condition that puts him at greater risk for a stroke. [ gps ] turn left. i don't think so. [ male announcer ] for years, bob took warfarin, and made a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but not anymore. bob's doctor recommended a different option: once-a-day xarelto®. xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem, that doesn't require routine blood monitoring. like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce the risk of an afib-related stroke. there is limited data on how these drugs compare when warfarin is well managed. no routine blood monitoring means bob can spend his extra time however he likes. new zealand! xarelto® is just one pill a day, taken with the evening meal.
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and with no dietary restrictions, bob can eat the healthy foods he likes. do not stop taking xarelto® rivaroxaban without talking to the doctor who prescribes it for you. stopping may increase your risk of having a stroke. get medical help right away if you develop any signs or symptoms of bleeding, like unusual bruising or tingling. you may have a higher risk of bleeding if you take xarelto® with aspirin products, nsaids or blood thinners. talk to your doctor before taking xarelto® if you currently have abnormal bleeding. xarelto® can cause bleeding, which can be serious, and rarely may lead to death. you are likely to bruise more easily on xarelto®, and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. tell your doctors you are taking xarelto® before any planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. ready to change your routine? ask your doctor about once-a-day xarelto®. for more information including cost support options, call 1-888-xarelto or visit
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around the world, significant change in the role of u.n. peacekeepers in the democratic republic of congo. for the first time, they are going told to go on the offensive. >> yesterday, the security council authorized what they are calling an intervention brigade. this really is significant. the peacekeepers are now going to be allowed to take military action against rebel groups. >> in cyprus, officials have made an announcement that is not going well. they are fed up with the country's banks process. they are told new rules limiting banking withdrawals are going to be in place for a month. >> yesterday, richard quest told us this would happen.
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officials said the limits would last a week. already, it is a month. it will probably go longer than that. they are designed to prevent a run on the banks. an oklahoma dentist is at the center of a huge hiv and hepatitis scare. about 7,000 patients of dr. scott herriarington's denta practice might be exposed to infections. >> rusty instruments, improper sterilization procedures, needles being reused. suzanne is going to have more on this next hour. in germany, it has been 24 years since the fall of the berlin wall. this week, a remaining section was taken down. >> protesters demanded that this piece of the wall be preserved as part of history but it was removed to make way for, guess what, a real estate developer, to build luxury apartments.
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>> michael, you were there 24 years ago, the night the wall came down. >> makes me feel old. yes. i was there working for australian television. we had moved there. that's going back. oh, dear. that's on top. we were there and it all opened up. they starting coming through checkpoint charlie. these are east german soldiers coming through no man's land. no painting, no graffiti there. this is the next day whether people started coming through holes in the wall and were given flowers by the west germans as they were being greeted. these are east german, west german soldiers there greeting them. >> this was just three months after the wall came down and had an opportunity to go. it was such an amazing scene. it really did throw into a tourist attracts. pieces of the wall. i want to show you this one that i actually got here. they were selling them. sometimes you could pick them up along the side of the road.
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>> everything was for sale. >> you would pose with the guards who were there up against the wall there. you can see if there was an old picture, big hair. you can tell that was the '80s for sure. with the guards and in front of the wall. it was one of the places where people were able to gather. it is historic. >> people asked me what the biggest story i ever covered was. it was that. not just because of what happened there but what it led to. i ended up covering my first conflict. you have unification of east germany. it changed the world. biggest story in the last 50, 60 years, without a doubt. >> historic. everybody was trying to get a piece of that. >> my daughter came home and said she was studying history. thanks a lot. that's a worry, isn't it? >> that's all right. he defended saddam hussein and med with osama been laden. he was a fraud.
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how this fake lawyer fooled the world's biggest villains. [ male announcer ] that's handy. ♪ then you'll love lactose-free lactaid® it's 100% real milk that's easy to digest so you can fully enjoy the dairy you love. lactaid®. for 25 years, easy to digest. easy to love. by the armful? by the barrelful? the carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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in london, a man who fooled the world's dictators into thinking he was an attorney has been convicted of being a fake and a fraud. >> apparently pretty good at it. they found he was not a real lawyer but did manage to represent the lives of sa dad
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hussein and bragged by meetings with osama bin laden. joey jackson, are you the real deal or not? >> here is my credentials. >> how does this happen? how does this guy get away with something like this? >> unbelievably, it is easier than you might have managed. i googled it for this segment. fake lawyer and my engine almost broke there were so many things out there. what happens, two things become important. people are very vulnerable, particularly when they are accused of crimes. if they come to you and you look the part and you sell what they are buying. you are going to get me out of this mess. they'll say, okay, let's do it. when you go to court, you don't have to produce credentials. there is nothing at the time that you go into court. it is not like, okay, mr. jackson, show me your identification. the clients do that after. when you don't have successful results, they want to know all about you. it is easier than you might
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imagine. >> have you ever come across attorneys that are fake? >> i know a fake but i'm not talking about you. what happens is the bar does, frip from time to time, they evaluate their continuing legal education courses. you have to submit them to be an attorney in good standing. this particular person we are talking about got 14 years. so talk about penalty and crime but it is out there. i would just say, buyer beware. search on your lawyer. make sure they are legit. make sure they are doing the right thing. it is not too great. they show up and you have someone represented you who is not admitted. it is like going to a doctor. i'm going to do an operation on you. but you are not admitted to practice medicine. >> we heard that this guy was pretty good. they selected him over some other real guys. >> that's why you can avoid detection. if you are good at what you do and you have the can have deps of the peop
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confidence of the people you are working for, they say, wait a second. we are going to check into you. that's why, check it out. search it out. make sure the person who is standing next to you is the real deal. >> penalties in the u.s. for that? absolutely. it varies by state. without question, it is a felony offense when you are practicing law without a license. i wouldn't try it. >> it is okay. it is all right. that's nice. >> the most amazing thing being how good he was apparently. good to see you. great to see you. happy friday. >> tracing the steps of jesus, we are going to show you photos from around the world as christians mark good friday. so we switched to the bargain detergent but i found myself using three times more than they say to and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so we're back to tide. they're cuter in clean clothes. that's my tide. what's yours? [ female announcer ] neutrogena®
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>> this picture was tweeted on thursday with the claim it was the work of the artist banksy. >> it is jesus carrying the cross and jesus with stun guns and the paparazzi. >> it is actually a fake. a spokesman for the artist confirms it is not banksy's work. good friday marking the day of jesus' crucifix. take a look at some how some of the christians are celebrating. >> a man stops and prays as he
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carries the cross. it is roped around his arm and torso. an act of pep tense. >> in indian, catholics reenact a play about jesus being crucified z that will do it for me. thanks for watching "around the world." >> see you next friday. >> have a good weekend. >> you too. about 7,000 people will receive letters that could be at risk of contracting hiv. a dentist putting his patients at risk students trying to prevent sexually transmitted disease


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